Brief Bio[]
I'm a software engineer particularly interested in systems software like the Linux Kernel. I currently work at SuSE Labs, Novell.
- Developing software using C, BASH, Java, PHP, MySQL, sockets and pthreads
- Hacking on the Linux Kernel including the development of patch sets
- Interacting with peripheral devices on USB and serial buses
- Managing and using Debian, Gentoo and Windows systems
- Building web applications using Servlets, PHP, HTML, and CSS
What I Hope To Learn at FOSSCoach[]
I want to learn more about Bugzilla and the Bugzilla session caught my eyes.
I can help people get started with the Linux Kernel and could coach. Although, I don't know if Kernel stuff would be appropriate for FOSSCoach. Also, I can share some experience with using Wordpress as a micro-blog platform.